
Travel TV

I travel and I watch travel shows. You don't wait till you are in Europe to read the guide book.

Rick Steves - the most informative... and geeky. Very geeky.

Globe Trekker - travel, corocodile hunter style. Actually, this show is growing on me.

Samantha Brown - trying too hard to be cute. Popeye, please save her already.

Anything Rachel Ray - quick, change the channel.

Rudy Maxa - really doesn't say anything new, all in home video quality footage. Awful music in the background. He needs a new camera man, and wardrobe.

Joan Cusack - coming in October, even the "trailers" (?) alreadymake me cringe. What were they thinking? She must be producing it too.

Anthony Bourdain - good music, interesting and original. well, what can I say, I liked Kitchen Confidential. And I hate Abba. It's not for everyone, but who cares? There is something to be said for a travel /food show with a "viewer discretion" advisory.

World Poker Championships - why the hell is it on the Travel Channel?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your comments specially about Samantha Brown. Joan Cusack's previews are scary. She comes across as looney. Now Anthony Bourdain is ok. I saw his trip to China. Now that was amusing specially when he went to the Chinese doctor who said he should lay off the alcohol, stop smoking and stay away from spicy food. What does he do next? Go to the Szechuan province to have hot pot chili, drinks chinese beer and lights a cigarette right outside the hospital! Interesting character.