
The DSLR Bandwagon

I have been biding my time as regards buying a DSLR. With newer, better models cropping up every few months, and with prices going lower and lower, I had resolved to wait till next year at least before jumping in. Better let the market "stabilize" a little first.

However, as these things usually go, a friend of mine decided to upgrade to the latest Nikon offering, the D80, and I had the opportunity to get his lightly used D50 at a very good price. A price not too painful should I end up not liking the whole DSLR thing.

Well, I got the camera this week. I had always thought the D50 was a good camera. My only problem with it is the low magnification viewfinder. Still, not insurmountable. My eyesight is still pretty good. =) I have also read a bit about adding Nikon's DK-21M VF magnifier. I might give that a try.

For my purposes, it is just right. Six megapixel is good enough - I rarely make enlargements more than 8 x 10. It is fast, and has all the features I need, and a lot that I don't. It is small and light, which should make it a good travel companion.

I got just the D50 body, as my friend was keeping the kit zoom. I think with the D50, I will stick with a couple of small primes first. I already have the 50/1.8 AFD, and I just bought a 24/2.8 AFD in great condition off PNet. That should make for a nice lightweight 35/75 combo.

I am really not much for zooms anyway. The one other lens that I am considering at this time is a fast normal lens, for those times when I just want one lens, one body. This is the way I am used to shooting with film (RF and SLR), and I want to see how it translates to digital. I have read and seen some nice things about the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 DC. This would translate to a 45mm normal focal length in 35mm terms.

We'll see.

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