
Day 6: The Vienna Woods

After yesterday's whirlwind, we were ready for today's relaxed coach tour of the Vienna Woods and the Mayerling. We drove through Baden, settled by the Romans for its medicinal hot springs. Now the home of mega-euro mudpacks. We visited the Mayerling Hunting Lodge, where Prince Rudolf committed suicide, and the medieval cistercian abbey of Heiligenkreuz. Last stop was Seegrotte, a crystal clear lake 400 feet underground. Employing prisoner labor, the gypsum mine was used by the Nazis as an airplane fuselage assembly plant.

Lunch was traditional fare at a sidewalk cafe on the Ringstrasse: Bratwurst, sauerkraut, chicken cordonbleu and more beer.

The rainy afternoon was spent souvenir shopping indoors at the Ringstrasse Gallerien. Wind-up music boxes and a marionette for the kids. I stocked up on Faber-Castel and Stabilo writing implements.

Our trip is winding down. Tomorrow, we catch the midmorning train which should have us back in Prague by mid-afternoon. Then it's back to the U.S. the following day.

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