
Happy Halloween!

It was a blast walking around the neighborhood last night with Dracula's bride and Spidey last night. Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year.

Speaking of... my copy of Sukob arrived from the dealer in Las Vegas just in time. I was relieved to find a real DVD, rather than a pirated VCD. I thought is was better than Feng Shui. Considering the absence of any western wow special effects, I have to say the two movies were scary, and well-made, in the caliber of the Japanese horror flicks like The Ring and The Grudge. Without Buffy.

On the deck in the backyard after trick-or-treating, the kids had gone in the house. I shone Rica's little flashlight toward some rustling at the edge of the woods 20 feet away. I expected deer, but found two red eyes in the bushes looking back at me, frozen by the light. Not as tall as deer, and close together in the front of the head - predatory. Sh*t - either fox or coyote. I was glad trick-or-treating was over.

Back to horror flicks...

Well, that's what's on TV this week. Saw a few good ones.

I thought the Omen remake was pretty good. At least they didn't change things around too much. Aside from different ways of killing the character. And keeping the photographer's equipment up to date.

Dracula remakes... what's with changing the characters around? Mina Harker, Mina van Helsing, Mina the vampire, Mina the almost vampire? Do yourself a favor and read the book. One of the scariest ever written. Classic horror.

Saw the Exorcist again last night. Still the scariest movie ever. They should remake THAT.

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