
Winter Break

Leica M3 + Nokton 50/1.5, Agfa APX100 in Rodinal

After I shot this roll, the kids asked to see the back of the camera looking for the pictures on the LCD!

"You want to see the pictures?" So they helped mix the Rodinal and process the film. Mikey was the timer, and Rica did the inversions.

Of course, they were instructed on proper handling of the chemicals. Like not to drink it or splach each other...

Later, we cut the negs, scanned and edited them on Photoshop.

Of course, when mom arrived they could not wait to tell her all about it. And how dad let them mix "dangerous chemicals."

This was a pretty amazing week. With that activity, the kids really got into it. We decided to drive to the beach the following morning to take some pictures. Rica surprised me - she wanted to shoot with film! A few posts down, you will remember that she took to shooting digital with the GRD in New York.

Well now, what camera to use? Mikey has his p&s from the cruise. He still loses stuff.

Rica brought me her camera - an old Chinon 35EE complete with box and flash that I got her several months ago from a forum member - which needed some cleaning. We cleaned the finder and tested the meter with a hearing aid battery. We stripped the old gunky light seals. Somehow, I could not for the life of me, find my replacement seals.

Now this was a problem. I had her try out some other cameras, including an Olympus 35RC. I wanted to give her something with full autoexposure for now. She settled on an SLR - a nice simple Canon T50 that I got as part of a package a couple of years ago on ebay.

It paired up nicely with a bright 50/1.8 SC FD lens. She picked an orange disney camera strap from my closet to go along with her new kit.

The following day, she was up and dressed by 8am.

We loaded some tri-x in each of our cameras, and off we went. It was freezing cold, expecially with the brisk sea breeze. The beach was deserted, of course, except for a big flock of seagulls. Mikey was back in the car after 5 minutes. Rica was bundled up in a scarf, bonnet and gloves, and finished her roll.

We warmed up with some hot chocolate and a big breakfast at Copper Skillet, the local diner.

That afternoon, we processed the film (in HC110). This is a new combo for me, and the negs were a bit grainier than I liked, but who cares? This was a perfect day.

Rica's photos:

I wish I had her eye for composition when I was 9.

A very RARE picture of her daddy. Yes, that is snow on the beach.

I put together a flickr set for her. I have a feeling there will be many more to come.

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