
PAW = Pain in the Ass in the Winter

I think this whole Picture-A-Week (PAW) thing is paying off, mainly as an incentive to get off one's duff. Especially now that it is very cold out. Talking about cold, yesterday I made plans to head out early this morning. I was planning to walk along the beach, which should be quiet and deserted this time of year. The kids were coming along, and I had charged some NiMH AA batteries for the Olympus for them to use.

However, it would not be so. Early this morning, the furnace conked out. We huddled in the family room around the fireplace, and with a couple of space heaters blasting away. After the service guy fixed it, we were just too frozen to go anywhere.

Later today, I went around the outside of the house to open the faucets and drain the pipes. There's a stream running around our property, about a couple of hundred feet into the woods from our house. It was partly frozen, and the ice was reflecting the sunlight very nicely. I had been browsing through Paul Caponigro's Masterworks from Forty Years this weekend, and I have to say, your frame of mind does influence what your eye tends to see.

So, there I was in the woods, in my pajamas and a heavy coat, in 20F weather. If not for the extra oomph of incentive to shoot this week, I would have had my feet up beside a nice cozy fire, like a normal person on a cold Sunday morning.

Personally, I think Caponigro's best photographs of New England were the ones he took around his home in Redding, Connecticut. I wonder if he shot those in his PJ's?

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