
Fall Colors... and True Colors

Puddle Colors
(Leica M6, Hexanon 90/2, Fuji Velvia)

The weather has been quite fickle lately, but it seems the foliage has finally caught up, and figured out that it was time to explode in color.

These days, too, there is a second scare wave in Connecticut surrounding the swine flu pandemic. For what it is worth, I got the vaccine close to two weeks ago. These past three days, however, I have been feeling a bit under the weather.

Believe me, there is nowhere I would rather be than curled up in my bed. But that is not a luxury I can take. Not with sick folks who had to be seen, and patients already prepped for their procedures.

Long story short, I took some Tylenol and showed up for work in the office two days ago, and this morning at the hospital, to attend to matters that could not be rescheduled. I wore a mask and did all I could in terms of infectious disease precautions.

The experience, for me, was an eye opener. There were co-workers who were concerned... "how are you feeling?" "You really should go home and rest as soon as you can."

Then there were the majority that shunned me like I was carrying the plague. Not jokingly... dead serious.

Interesting, at the very least, to see the two polar opposite attitudes among a group of people I have been working with collectively for about 10 years. A lot of people that were part of my "work family" turned up to be actually no more than just people who happened to be working in the same place as me.

Human nature... adversity really brings out a oerson's true colors. Now I guess I know who will kill me for bottled water the day after a nuclear holocaust.

One anecdote from today was so ridiculous that it was quite funny. The nurses had brought in some pot luck for someone leaving the department. Despite the mask, I was emphatically told to stay out of the break room. I was chuckling a little as I left the hospital, thinking to myself, "Too much aggravation for what, a plate of free potluck deli food?" On the way to my car, I thought, "What is the most expensive restaurant in New Haven?" and drove there for lunch. Really now...


Anonymous said...

I was there.... I feel for you. Hope you are feeling better.

52shotstothehead said...

I love your puddle shot...the colors are extraordinary. Come check out my work and follow me....http://www.52shotstothehead.blogspot.com