Sunday afternoon: a fun way to finish off partially used rolls of film!
Ilford Pan F and Rodinal. I can get used to this low speed combination.
Too much dust on the negs today. A lot of it is mineral deposit. I will need to change the water filter. And maybe use distilled water for the final wash.
She has this really cute way of looking through the viewfinder. And the smile. Kinda like Mickey's eyes and expression.
The Olympus' light shutter release takes a bit of getting used to.
Now, somewhere on the net some "experts" said the zeiss 50/1.4 planar's bokeh was harsh. The info you get on the internet...
This lens in ZF form will set you back quite a bit. Same with the 85 Planar (used for the first three shots). But in Contax mount, you can now get them for a song. Can't mount them on a D200, though. You will need to shoot film. Too bad.
Some people buy a fast lens for the narrow dof. Then mount it on an APS sensor digital. Then wax on about the narrow dof.
What's that? The ZF lenses have a different formulation? I guess that justifies the huge price difference. Like Zeiss suddenly discovered a breakthrough formula to make their already legendary lenses twice as good. Yeah, I know, internet experts...
There's an ass for every seat.
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